April PTA Zoom Meeting

April showers bring May flowers and our April 1st PTA meeting! Please join us on Thursday, April 1 at 9:30am. We're feeling energized and renewed with the longer and milder days and have high hopes and aspirations for the coming spring months. Check out our exciting news and updates below.
APRIL PTA MEETING ZOOM: Apr 1, 2021 @ 09:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87563955333?pwd=K1hFb1plTzh5OVlFejRQNjBXWCtnQT09
Meeting ID: 875 6395 5333 Passcode: 333683
Agenda: PTA update, Principal's update, approve meeting minutes (posted on JRMSPTA.org), and learn about open leadership positions, future executive board positions and volunteer opportunities with the PTA. Parent support is needed to keep our programs strong as we continue to advocate for every child at JRMS.