ELECTED OFFICERS: (voting members of Executive Board) Attendance requested for all officers at monthly Executive Board Meeting and monthly PTA Meeting. Board positions require varying ongoing levels of commitment and active monthly communication.
Co-President (2 positions):
Responsible for leading the JRMS PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members. The copresidents share responsibility for planning, organizing, and executing the programs and events that serve the needs of the JRMS community. The functional responsibilities of the co-presidents include overseeing the Membership, Programming, Treasury, Communications, Fundraising, and Board Secretarial functions. Responsibilities are shared based on the co-presidents’ individual skills, interests, and abilities, and each of the co-presidents serve as the presiding officers at Board and Association Meetings.
Communications VP:
The VP of Communications is responsible for the design, production and distribution of the PTA newsletter and/or e-news updates; for the design, content and maintenance of the PTA website; for utilization of social media; for updates and maintenance of the PTA bulletin board; and for preparation of any general purpose PTA flyers.
Fundraising & Membership VP:
Responsible for leading the annual Membership campaign and driving fundraising raising efforts to generate the amount needed to meet the proposed unit budget and goals.
Programs VP:
Plans a year-long schedule of PTA events that may include parent education, health/ safety presentations and special events. Does not include fundraising. Responsible for supervising individual activity chairmen.
Keeps an accurate, concise, permanent record of proceedings at all PTA Board and Association, Meetings, ensure Bylaws are up-to-date, assist President with conducting meetings and calls the first meeting of the Nominating Committee.
The authorized custodian of all funds of the PTA. Duties include keeping financial records and preparing reports to comply with State PTA policies as well as local, state and Federal laws.
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: (Non-Voting members of Executive Board)
Adult Education Coordinator: research and coordinate 1 or 2 parent education speakers and programs for PTA meeting events. Minimal time commitment from home to research options and schedule speaker or presentation.
Art Con Coordinator: coordinate with JRMS Art instructor for scheduling, volunteer recruitment and promotion of school-wide art showcase. Requires meeting with art staff, set up, clean up, day of event availability, approximately 2 planning meetings at school and 2 weeks of concerted planning and coordination.
Artisan Fair Chairman: coordinate with Artisan Fair Organizer to oversee signage, marketing, volunteer schedule. May and December artisan fairs will require day-of event availability and 1 - 2 weeks of concerted coordination from home, prior to the two event dates in May and December.
Birthday Billboard: festive monthly decorating of the in-school birthday billboard with student birthdays of the month. Maintain decoration supply box in PTA closet. Requires thoughtful planning and in-school set-up approximately 2-3 hours per month.
Cultural Assembly Coordinator: Research options, schedule with vendor and coordinate with school administration for one annual cultural student assembly. One concerted research effort and a few hours to coordinate logistics with school. Can be done in a few hours from home.
Decorating Chairperson: responsible for recruiting decorating team and overseeing decorating for 4 annual socials and maintaining and organizing decorating supplies in PTA closet. Requires at home planning for design ideas, on-site decorating and cleanup with the help of volunteers, occasional purchase of new or replacement decorations, careful maintenance and storage in the PTA closet.
8th Grade Snowball and Graduation Dance Chairperson: oversee the decorating, chaperones, volunteers, catering, invitations, photography and entertainment of these gala events. These events, on each in early January and June, require several weeks of pre-planning, creativity, and extensive on-site decorating before events and recruitment of volunteer help. There are generally many 8th grade parents willing to help and make this a special event.
Membership Chairperson: responsible for coordinating activities focused on increasing PTA membership and parent involvement in PTA activities and Membership Toolkit management. Concerted effort during fall membership drive and infrequent tasks throughout school year. Requires becoming familiar with Membership Toolkit functionality.
Outdoor Decorating/Seasonal Entryway: plan and oversee seasonal planting and decorating at the front entrance pots and side garden. Not previously filled.
Reflections Chairperson: coordinate annual reflections contest, build awareness, encourage participation, partner with faculty to promote, form a judging committee, file paperwork and finally arrange small awards celebration/breakfast for participants and winners. Program has not run in past year due to lack of help.
Scholastic Book Fair Chairperson: Liaison with Scholastic on scheduling this traditional weeklong book sale that generally coincides with fall parent teacher conferences. Designing the book fair to look like a bookstore with display cases, props and decorations, promoting and advertising, scheduling events and activities with teachers, librarians and parents. Coordinate and oversee accounting, cash and credit card sales, raffles, teacher book lists, volunteers. This represents a substantial fundraising income for the PTA.
School Supplies Fundraiser Chairperson: Coordinate with staff and faculty to obtain grade level supply lists, ensure lists are up to date, schedule and coordinate with supply company on this once annual program. Minimal effort level. Social Coordinators/Grade Level Representatives: Prepare and organize donation lists for party food and beverages, enlist and organize volunteer parent chaperones, set-up crew, minute-to-win-it game organizers, and clean-up crew. Work within a defined budget to order pizza, and purchase prizes and raffles for the grade.
Socials Chairperson: Primary point of contact for the PTA, school administration and grade level reps. Schedule and coordinating the 4 annual socials with the school. Coordinating the theme, decorating initiatives, rentals costs, and continuity across all grades. Oversees individual grade representatives in planning and carrying out four school socials per year. Arrange DJ, entertainment and inflatables, delivery and pickup of inflatables and coordination with PE staff, maintain expenses and accounting for each grade, liaison with Lori Clement on tracking registration levels, place final food order and coordinate vendor payment checks with Lori Clement. This role requires excellent management skills and is great for someone wanting to dive in and take control and collaborate. Position requires planning and communicating with office staff, socials chairs and vendors from home in the weeks prior to each social and spending time in the building overseeing set up. Socials are a highlight tradition at JRMS.
Staff Appreciation Chairperson: schedules and coordinates 4 annual appreciation events: fall luncheon, December luncheon, May luncheon and Central office lunch delivery, and bus driver appreciation. Create sign-up donations, coordinate delivery and set-up, enlist volunteer helpers to set up. Requires pre-planning and overseeing day-of-event set-up and clean-up.
Teacher Representative: Responsible for representing the teaching staff in discussions at PTA Board Meetings. Usually makes a report at each meeting.
Volunteer and Hospitality Chairperson: responsible for coordinating volunteer recruiting and PTA hospitality at various functions. This VP will assist event chairs with recruiting, scheduling and managing volunteers for their events. They will help link interested volunteers with PTA needs for other committees and functions.
• Adult Ed Coordinator FILLED
• Art Conn Coordinator
• Artisan Fair Chair
• Cultural Programs Chair
• Decorating Chair
• 8th Grade Snowball and Graduation Dance Chair
• Outdoor Decorating/Seasonal Entryway Chair
• Reflections Chair
• Scholastic Book fair Chair
• Staff Appreciation Chair
• Volunteer and Hospitality Chair