JRMS PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that prides itself on being a powerful advocate for students and a resource for families and the community. Membership in JRMS PTA is open to anyone who is concerned with the education, health, and welfare of our children.
JRMS PTA is committed to keeping you up-to-date ensuring that you and your student(s) have a fulfilling middle school experience.
Your 2024-2025 Executive Board is as follows:
President – Beatrix Eriksen
Co-VP Fundraising – Seana Bedard
Co-VP Fundraising – Ilona Zimmer
Co-VP Membership – Meredith Schuchard
Co-VP Membership – Amy Whittle
VP Programs – Rebecca Hansen
Co-VP Communications – Alexis Gerbracht
Co-VP Communications - Carla Rothberg
Treasurer – Stephanie Edwards
Secretary – Stephanie Dionne
If you have questions please email us at JRMSptainfo@gmail.com.