JRMS PTA Meeting, December 5th

Are homework haggles and study struggles wreaking havoc in your home? The JRMS PTA brings you the gift that keeps giving... just in time for the holidays: S4 Successful Study Skills 4 Students, teaches skills for school, tools for life. Join us on December 5 at 6:30p in the JRMS Learning Commons for this one-hour seminar immediately following a brief PTA meeting. This presentation is offered free to our members and community, but you must register. Please follow the link below to save your spot.
7 Ways to Support Your Student's Study Habits
During this powerful one-hour presentation, parents will learn how to they can support their student with seven tools and concrete ideas that can be implemented right away for better results and grades.
What You Will Learn:
What are the 7 skills all students need to be successful in school
How should they prepare for tests
How can your student eliminate distractions when they study
How can your student avoid feeling overwhelmed
Should your student study for a subject all in one shot, or over time
What can you do as a parent support your student
There is no charge for the program, but registration is requested.