Amazon Smile
The JRMS PTA is a participating charity in the AmazonSmile program. JRMS will receive a percentage on everything you buy.
Amazon Smile is the same Amazon you know; same products, same prices, same service.
Support John Read Middle School by starting your shopping at
Select "PTSA Connecticut Inc John Read Middle School" when prompted to select a charitable organization.
Then start shopping!
Field Goods
Sign up for a bag of fresh veggies! Seasonal produce is sourced from over 80 small local farms. Your subscription includes a weekly newsletter packed with tips and recipes. And it's flexible; put your subscription on hold and restart anytime.
It's easy to get started:
Go to the Then go to "Select a Location" and pick our private site to order.
Pick up is after 11:00am on Tuesdays and can be picked up by 5:00.
Ordering is by the Saturday before delivery.
There will be a charge each week of $2.00 that goes to our PTA. There is also a $1.00 delivery charge.
Questions can be emailed to
Mabel's Labels
Stay organized this school year with a wide variety of waterproof name labels and tags. Perfect for school supplies big and small, these labels are guaranteed to stay put through the dishwasher and laundry. And yes, they really do stay on!
It's easy to order:
Step 1:
Click on link
Step 2: Choose John Read Middle School (Redding)
Step 3:Shop and proceeds go to the PTA
Giving Bean Coffee and Tea
This year we are partnering with Giving Bean to bring you great products while helping the PTA.
Giving Bean has been roasting and shipping fine roasted coffees and artisan teas to benefit community and non-profit groups throughout the USA for over 10 years.
AND, they have delicious Cocoas, and Cookies as well! Something for everyone.
Click on the link below to start your wonderful order of great coffee, tea and more! All orders are shipped to your home with a small shipping fee. So easy!
The PTA includes a dynamic group of parents and educators but to achieve our full potential as a school WE NEED YOU! In addition to the always popular Student Directory (available only to PTA members) the JRMS PTA coordinates cultural and educational programs, grade-level socials, National PTA Reflections Program, the Teacher Grant Program, staff and bus driver appreciation events, monthly meetings, the Peek of the Week, and more.
Here’s some of what the JRMS PTA has provided for students and faculty. With your help, we will keep it fresh and strong this school year:
Socials: Halloween, Winter, Snowball, Glow and Spring
Teacher Grants for: classroom projection document camera, Wingman supplies, laser engraver, digital timers, ham radio, resource books, teacher expos and workshops
JRMS musical donation
National PTA Reflections campaign and celebration
Staff appreciation luncheons and bus driver appreciation
Birthday board decorations
Substance abuse and peer pressure presentation
Social media and internet safety presentation
Digital citizenship presentation
Project adventure demonstration
Guidance Support and Services workshop
Joel Barlow HS transition panel discussion